Анотація Досліджуються проблемні питання функціонування інституту громадянства у сучасних умовах становлення та розвитку глобального конституціоналізму. Запропоновано шляхи модернізації конституційно-правового інституту громадянства. Наголошується на необхідності комплексного удосконалення конституційно-правового регулювання питань громадянства.
The problematic issues of the functioning of the institution of citizenship in the modern conditions of formation and development of global constitutionalism are studied. Ways to modernize the constitutional and legal institution of citizenship are proposed. The need for comprehensive improvement of the constitutional and legal regulation of citizenship issues is emphasized.
It is noted that the modern content and nature of the institution of citizenship, which was formed under the influence of international legal standards after the Second World War, in the late twentieth and early twentieth century under the influence of globalization and interstate integration processes have undergone some changes. After all, the content of the constitutional and legal category of citizenship has acquired features and functional properties that go beyond traditional intoxication. First of all, citizenship ceases to be perceived as an exclusive link with one state in its mutual rights and responsibilities, and also ceased to be monopolized with the category of sovereignty of a particular state.
Given the objective and established trends in the formation and development of the institution of citizenship change, there is a need for scientific understanding of the accumulated theoretical and methodological knowledge about these phenomena, as well as real experience of legislative constitutional and legal regulation of the organization and activities of state bodies. strengths and weaknesses of regulations governing public relations in the field of citizenship, the adoption of effective regulatory technologies, approaches and methods of legislative support, as well as the application of comparative approaches to the analysis of legislation in the field of citizenship, which will identify, specify and eliminate gaps legislation, outline practical conceptual areas for its improvement.
Ключові слова: громадянство, конституційне право, глобалізація, європейська міждержавна інтеграція, конституційний розвиток, citizenship, constitutional law, globalization, European interstate integration, consti.tutional development
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ДСТУ ГОСТ 7.1-2006
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Harvard Referencing Style
Tysiachnyi, D., 2020. Perspektyvy modernizatsii instytutu hromadianstva v suchasnomu konstytutsiinomu pravi [Prospects of modernization of the institute of citizenship in modern constitutional law]. Vìsnik Marìupolʹsʹkogo deržavnogo unìversitetu. Serìâ: Pravo, 19, pp. 124-130.